The internationally renowned Float Conference is coming to Louisville, KY on August 18-20th 2023!!
Float center owners, manufacturers, researchers, suppliers, and those interested in joining the float industry all come out for a multi-day event full of presentations, workshops, and of course, parties!
We’re unsure if it was started by Grahshkhan (Graham and Ashkahn)…or just taken over by Grashkhan during the resurgence of floating in the early aughts…. but the merry band of pranksters at Float On in PDX + FloatHelm + Float Tank Solutions + Float Con have done wonders for the world of floating through the growing of the Float Conference. As far back as we can recall it was always held in Portland, OR, then in 2018, the Float Conference was converted into a 501(c)6 non-profit, and is now run as a collaborative effort among members of the float industry. As an industry organized event, the Float Conference moves to a new city each year. We’re so excited to be hosting the Float Conference in Louisville!
Besides us here at Weightless Float and Bathhouse, our friends over the river in New Albany (at Sukhino Float Center) will be having a heavy hand in the event as well.
This is always such a great time to learn more about the amazing research that is happening in the float sphere, as well as check out new wellness products hitting the market, and to party with our fellow sensory deprivation tank enthusiasts!!
We’ll have more info soon, but besides daily conference goings, look out for bars, restaurants, venues, and wellness centers who will be hosting the fun crowd that is FloatCon!!
See you in August!!